Update on Waverley Care’s Highland and Argyll and Bute services
NHS Highland has recently completed a detailed review of its contract with Waverley Care and explored their options for the future delivery of these services.
After careful consideration, NHS Highland has decided not to retender a contract to seek an external provider. Instead they plan to bring the services in-house, with delivery anticipated to begin within NHS Highland starting January 2025.
Waverley Care is working closely with NHS Highland to ensure a smooth transition for our service users, prioritising support through the NHS or other services where practically possible.
We understand this change brings uncertainty. However, we would encourage any existing Waverley Care service users to contact our team to discuss their individual circumstances, and we’ll do our best to address any questions or concerns.
At this stage, NHS Highland has not finalised the details of their new in-house services, but we will share information as soon as we can.
Waverley Care’s Inverness office will close in December 2024, with our Highland and Argyll and Bute specific services also ending at that time. We will provide more detail on this as soon as we can.
If anyone has any questions about these changes, please contact:
- Christopher Ward, National Operations Manager at Waverley Care on christopher.ward@waverleycare.org or
- Claire Wallace, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, NHS Highland on claire.derwin2@nhs.scot
- Heather McAdam, Health Improvement Senior, NHS Highland (Argyll and Bute HSCP) heather.mcadam@nhs.scot