Meet our Fundraising Assistant


Earlier this year, we welcomed Siobhan Cameron to our team as Fundraising Assistant.

In this role, she will provide essential fundraising, administrative and supporter care. We interviewed Siobhan to learn more about her, and about what she’ll bring to the role.


Why did you apply to be Fundraising Assistant at Waverley Care?  

Prior to starting at Waverley Care, I completed a Masters degree in Health History at the University of Strathclyde. I specialised in HIV activism in Scotland, and completed my dissertation on the experiences of women in the movement. As part of my degree, I had the opportunity to complete a work placement at Waverley Care archiving VHS tapes that had been uncovered at Milestone. The tapes, shot during the early 1990s, opened my eyes not only to the unique experiences of people living with HIV in Scotland, but also to the amazing services, fundraising and legacy of Waverley Care. When the opportunity arose to join the fundraising team, I jumped at the chance to be part of the journey towards achieving zero new HIV transmissions in Scotland.


What are you most excited to work on?

I am most looking forward to building new relationships with companies and groups across Scotland. I love that Waverley Care’s fundraising is community-led, and I know that there are many wonderful opportunities for us to connect with new supporters to demonstrate the importance of our fundraising and our passion for ensuring that no one faces HIV alone. I am delighted that this role allows me to channel my passion for raising awareness and support for those living, and at risk of, HIV.

I am also passionate about the strong emphasis placed on cherishing and maintaining Waverley Care’s long-standing relationships with supporters and volunteers. I am very excited to meet the volunteers and supporters who have been at the core of the charity for many years, working alongside us to drive Waverley Care’s innovative and successful fundraising forward.


What hobbies do you have outside of work?

In my spare time I love to go swimming at my local pool. I also enjoy skiing and take the opportunity to ski in Scotland whenever the weather permits. Aside from this, I love going out for food with my friends and family and exploring new restaurants in and around Edinburgh.


How can you be contacted?

Get in touch with me by email at