What is the NHS?

Most NHS services & treatments are free – even if you are an asylum seeker or refugee.

If you need immediate care or help

Phone 999 or go to the nearest Accident & Emergency service to you.

You can find your nearest A&E service here.

For care that is not urgent, you may also visit your nearest GP or pharmacy. If your GP or pharmacy is closed, for non-urgent cases you can call NHS 24 on 111 or click here. NHS 24 will also be able to help you with questions related to mental health.

For anything else, get in touch with us.

The National Health Service (NHS) provides publicly funded healthcare services to people living in the UK. Most NHS services & treatments are free (even if you are an asylum seeker or refugee), although there can be charges for some things such as some dental and optical treatments.

Always call the relevant service provider to find out if you qualify for free healthcare.

NHS inform is Scotland’s national health information service where you can find information to make good decisions on your healthcare and the healthcare of those you look after. Visit their website.

All NHS services also provide interpreters if you are not fluent in English language, always ask for one if needed.

NHS Scotland does not give your details to the Home Office for immigration enforcement.

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If you are looking for tailored support and advice, we're here to help. Get in touch by filling out our contact form.

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