
Since 2019, Waverley Care has been the proud charity partner of Criterion.

Together we’ve raised over £30,000 and delighted to have entered into a new three-year partnership until December 2025.

We chose Waverley Care because of its unwavering commitment to providing care, support, and advocacy for individuals affected by and living with HIV and Hepatitis C. Its mission aligns perfectly with our values of making a meaningful impact and improving lives. We look forward to many more years of collaboration, fighting stigma, and creating lasting change together

Billy Burnside, Managing Director

Together, we have embarked on remarkable fundraising endeavours, including cycling 176-miles from Newcastle to Edinburgh, bucket shaking at the Fringe, and participating in the Kiltwalk. It is an honour to support Waverley Care's vital work and witness first-hand the positive impact it has on the lives of those it serves

Billy Burnside, Managing Director

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